Saturday, October 6, 2007

Motorcycle Deaths in KY rising

Motorcycle Deaths in Kentucky Rising
Motorcycle Safety :
"Out of the 1,025 motorcycle crashes reported in Kentucky through July 19, there were 57 fatalities, according to state police. In the previous full year, there were 1,776 crashes and 97 fatalities.

It's uncertain whether the increase in deaths this year is attributable to more motorcyclists on the road, because Kentucky doesn't have a helmet law or another reason. But state troopers will be trained to teach motorists about sharing the road, driving sober and older motorcycle riders.

Jefferson County reported that the motorcycle fatalities there have already surpassed last year's. There were 14 fatalities out of Jefferson County's 172 motorcycle crashes, whereas in 2006 there were 9 such deaths.

Kentucky's statistics follow the trend nationally.

The number of motorcycle accidents has increased each year since 1997, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Most motorcycle riders in Kentucky have not been required to protect their heads since the state's mandatory helmet law was repealed in 1998....." from Insurance Journal

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